Club Antropocene

Frøydi Laszlo og Grethe Gunneng

The Anthropocene Laboratory is a book with art and essays on the theme “Anthropocene” and it is joined by activities such as a series of thematic “minifestivals” with art exhibitions, movies, performances, lectures, field excursions and discussions. We encourage the artworld to engage in interdisciplinary exchanges but on our own terms – we do not want to end up in the role of supporting, facilitating or illustrating knowledge produced in other disciplines. Rather we see art as an important way (with a myriad of methods) to engage with and learn more about our world and human adaption to it.

The Anthropocene Laboratory was established as a collaboration between two informal networks and initiated by Fröydi Laszlo, Club Anthropocene (mostly based in Sweden) and Ida Bencke, Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology (mostly based in Denmark). Our first activity was a joint art exhibition at Kragerø Arthall, Norway, as part of the program of the Norwegian Philosophy Festival “På Kanten” in 2017.                We then decided to produce a publication together, and the name was inspired by both our networks. Financing of the book was slow, and the pandemic slowed us down even more. It was decided that Club Anthropocene should take over the work with the book, and Fröydi Laszlo asked Anna Risell to work with her as co-editor, which she luckily did. It has been long days, and much work and the editors thank all participants for their generous will to share their art and thinking, for each and every text and image that together builds up this kaleidoscopic vision of a strange time.

284 Publishers (Förlaget 284) is an artist-run publisher specializing in publications where textual, visual work and research is of equal importance for interdisciplinary art projects. The Anthropocene Laboratory is the third publication in the series Co/Co – Coevolution Concept.

Presentation of participants

Participants in the book "The Anthropocene Laboratory": Anna Risell, architect, Sweden // Anna Wennerbeck, dancer and choreographer, Sweden // Björn Perborg, visual artist, Sweden // Christine Fentz, performing artist, dramaturge and Director of “Secret Hotel”, Denmark // Diana Storåsen, visual artist and gardener, Sweden // Garrett Laroy Johnson, PhD Media Arts and Sciences and Critical Theory USA // Fröydi Laszlo, visual artist and Publisher at 284 Publishing, Norway/Sweden // Grethe Gunneng, visual artist, Norway // Gyrd Laszlo, retired teacher, biology, chemistry and physics, Norway // Hannah Belle Reimann, highschool student, Sweden // herman de vries, visual artist, Dutch, living in Germany // Ilona Huss Walin, visual artist, Sweden // Ioan Butiu, industrial designer, web designer, USA // Johan Hallberg, visual artist, Sweden // Karin Blixt, actor, dramaturge and writer, Sweden // Kenneth Lundin, marine biologist, Sweden // Lars Åsling, visual artist, Sweden // Marie Bondeson, visual artist, Sweden // Martin Jentzen, forest engineer, Sweden // Mary Childs, Professor of Literature at University of Washington, USA // Nathanael Mengist, PhD student, Human[ities] Centered Design and Engineering, Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington, USA // Nils Agdler, visual artist, filmmaker and photographer, Sweden // Nina Sinkkonen, poet, dancer and photographer, Finnish, living in Sweden // Peter Hefner, visual artist, Hungarian, living in Sweden // René Marques, visual artist and scholar, born in the Philippines, Associate Professor Department of Art & Design at University of Delaware, USA // Tord Saxin, photographer, Sweden // Trinidad Carrillo, visual artist, Peru/Sweden // Wood Roberdeau, Senior Lecturer in Visual Cultures / Head of Department Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, UK // The Anthropocene Laboratory honors the memory of Zakhary Thomas, our friend from Arizona State University, USA. He had a master’s degree in English from ASU, and was looking forward to continuing his education as a PhD in film studies. We have his and his family’s permission to print one of his last essays. 

Participants in “The Anthropocene Laboratory – Film programme 1”

Nils Agdler, Sweden // Marie Bondeson, Sweden // Henrik Ekström, Sweden // Grethe Gunneng, Norway // Johan Hallberg, Sweden // Peter Hefner, Sweden/Hungary // Gunzi Holmström, Finland // Ilona Huss Walin & Ambjörn Göransson, Sweden // Mats Landström, Sweden // Nina Lassila, Sweden/Finland // Fröydi Laszlo, Sweden/Norway // Lena Mattsson, Sweden // Helena Norell, Sweden // Anna Risell, Sweden // Nina Sinkkonen, Sweden/Finland // Diana Storåsen, Sweden // Elin Anna Thorisdottir, Iceland // Cecilia Wendt, Ebba Gyllenhak & Annelie Nilsson, Sweden

Participants in the exhibition “The Anthropocene Laboratory” at Slipvillan, Stockholm, September 23-24

Anna Risell // Fröydi Laszlo (performance) // Trinidad Carrillo/Pentapolar Birds (music performance) // Gunzi Holmström // Rikard Fåhraeus // Margareta Andersson // Marie Bondeson // Ilona Huss Walin // Grethe Gunneng // Nils Agdler // Laetitia Deschamps // Susanne Högdahl Holm


The Essence Appears and the Appearance is Essential


Free your ass and your mind will follow